Factors Affecting Students? Talent Model in Product Design Major in Universities of Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province


  • Chen Ye Bangkokthonburi University
  • Sataporn Pruettikul Bangkokthonburi University
  • Sukhum Moonmuang Bangkokthonburi University


Product major design, ediating effect, Educational policies, Students? talent


The objectives of this research were: (1) To study the components of the students? talent of the Product major design in universities of Zhuhai City; (2) To development the model of factors affecting students? talent model in the Product major design? in universities of Zhuhai City; and (3) To verify the mediators affecting on the relationship between the educational policy factor and the students? talent in the Product major design in universities of Zhuhai City, People?s Republic of China.

The population for this research were teachers working in the academic year 2023 at five higher education institutions in Zhuhai city, Guangdong Province, totaling 3,622 teachers. The sample determined by G*Power software total 567 teachers and obtained by proportional stratified random sampling method. The data collection by a five score rating questionnaire. The statistic analyzed by Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling techniques.

The research found that:(1) the components of the students? talent of the Product major design in universities of Zhuhai City were 4 components namely; multidisciplinary knowledge, teamwork and communication skills, problem-solving abilities and creative thinking skills, there were at moderate to high level. (2) The model of factors affecting students? talent model in the product major design in universities of Zhuhai City was fit well with empirical data (Chi-square=405,944, df=163, chi/df=2.490, TLI=.969, GFI=.929, CFI=.974, RMSEA=0.051); the educational policies, curriculum settings, teaching resources, and teacher competence there were significantly effect to students? talent in the Product major design (p<.01). and (3) The educational policy factor had positive direct effect to the students? talent in the product major design in universities of Zhuhai city and had indirect effect through curriculum settings, teaching resources, and teacher competence, there were mediating variables effected.


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