The Mediating Effect of Entrepreneurial Self-efficacy on the Relationship between Social Environment and Educational Program Study on Entrepreneurial Intention of Art College Graduates in Shandong Province


  • Sun Jiaxi Bangkokthonburi University
  • Sataporn Pruettikul Bangkokthonburi University
  • Sukhum Moonmuang Bangkokthonburi University


Entrepreneurial Intention, Social Environment, Educational Program Study, Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy


The objectives of this research were: 1) to explore the components of social environment factor, educational program study factor, entrepreneurial self-efficacy factor and entrepreneurial intention factor; 2) to develop the model of the mediating effect of entrepreneurial self-efficacy on the relationship between social environment and educational program study on entrepreneurial intention of art college graduates in Shandong province and 3) to verify the effect of entrepreneurial self-efficacy on the relationship between social environment and educational program study on entrepreneurial intention of art college graduates.

The population of this research were art college graduates from six art colleges in Shandong Province in 2023, totaling 11,775. The sample was 418, determined by G* power software and used stratified random sampling method. The data was collected by 5-point Likert rating scale questionnaire and data analyzed by descriptive statistics, CFA and SEM.

The results showed that: 1) The components of entrepreneurial intention were entrepreneurial interest, entrepreneurial tendency, entrepreneurial preparation and entrepreneurial target. The components of social environment were government policy, cultural and social norms, financial support and market openness. The components of educational program study were entrepreneurship course, entrepreneurship practice and teaching technique. The components of entrepreneurial self-efficacy were innovation efficacy, opportunity recognition efficacy and relationship coordination efficacy. 2) The model fit well with empirical data (df=70, CMIN=133.886, CMIN/df=1.913, CFI=0.981, RMSEA=0.047). 3) The social environment, educational program study and entrepreneurial self-efficacy had direct effect on entrepreneurial intention. The social environment and educational program study had indirect effect on entrepreneurial intention through entrepreneurial self-efficacy as mediating effect.


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