The Improvement Process of Jilin Folk Art Education Management in Universities Under Jilin Province


  • Chen Meng Bangkokthonburi Universitiy
  • Sutida Howattanakul Bangkokthonburi Universitiy
  • Somsak Chanphong Bangkokthonburi Universitiy


Jilin folk art education, education management, improvement process


The objectives of this research were: (1) to explore the components of Jilin folk art education management in universities under Jilin Province; (2) to propose the guidelines to improving Jilin folk art education management in universities under Jilin Province.

The research method were mixed methods, including qualitative research and quantitative research. The researcher used Krejcie and Morgan's table (1970) to determine the sample size, which was obtained using stratified random sampling technique. The population was 728, The sample size was 254 faculty members from five universities, the interviewed with 9 key informants. The instruments used for data collection were semi-structured interview form, five-point rating scale questionnaires and Connoisseurship discussion form. The response rate of questionnaires was 100%. Statistics used for data analysis included frequency, percentage, mean, Standard Deviation, Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), and content analysis was employed.

Research findings were based on objective: (1) 6 components and 60 key variables of the improving Jilin folk art education management in universities under Jilin Province. consisted of 1) Policy and Environment Mechanism 2) Student Innovation management 3) Course management in Jilin folk art 4) Teaching management?5) Teacher knowledge Management Optimize, 6) Establish supervision service and evaluation mechanism; (2) There were total 50 guidelines to improving Jilin folk art education management in universities under Jilin Province.


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