Effectiveness of Knowledge Management in Art Major of Universities under Liaoning Province


  • Zhang Tiedong ฺLeadership in Educational Leadership Bangkokthonburi Universitiy
  • Sutida Howattanakul Leadership in Educational Leadership Bangkokthonburi Universitiy
  • Somsak Chanphong Leadership in Educational Leadership Bangkokthonburi Universitiy


Knowledge management, Art major, Liaoning art major knowledge management


he objectives of this research were: (1) to explore the components of effectiveness knowledge management in art major of universities under Liaoning Province; (2) to propose guidelines for improving the effectiveness of knowledge management in art major of universities under Liaoning Province. The research was a mixed methodology research. Population was included 3852 professional instructors, educational administrators in art major from 23 colleges and universities under Liaoning Province. The sample size was determined by Krejcie and Morgan?s table (1970), obtained by stratified sampling technique, totalling 351 professional instructors, educational administrators in art major. The 9 key informants were obtained by purposive sampling method. The instruments used for data collection were a semi-structured interview, a five-point rating scale questionnaire, and note taking by focus group discussion. The statistics used for data analysis were inferential statistics and descriptive statistics.

The research findings revealed that; (1) There were five components and 23 key variables of the effectiveness of knowledge management of art major in universities under Liaoning Province?which consisted of effectiveness management, organizational culture management, knowledge-based organization construction, information technology management and human resource management; and (2) There were total 23 managerial guidelines for effectiveness of knowledge management of art major in universities under Liaoning Province.


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