The Guidelines for the Operation of Health Promotion in Educational Opportunity Expansion Schools Based on Sappurisa-Dhamma in Nakhonsawan Primary Education Service Area Office 3
The operation of health promotion, Sappurisa-Dhamma, children and youthAbstract
The study consisted of the following objectives to investigate the operation compare the opinions toward and to present the guidelines for the operation of health promotion in educational opportunity expansion schools based on Sappurisa-Dhamma in Nakhonsawan Primary Education Service Area Office 3. The study used a mixed-method research. Likert scale questionnaire with a reliability of 0.96. Semi-structured interviews with nine key informants were used to acquire qualitative data. The obtained data were analyzed by content analysis.
From the study, the following results are found: 1) The operation of health promotion in educational opportunity expansion schools in Nakhonsawan Primary Education Service Area Office 3 is overall at a high level. 2) The results of comparing the opinions toward the operation of health promotion in educational opportunity expansion schools in Nakhonsawan Primary Education Service Area Office 3 classified by personal factors such as genders, ages, educational levels, positions, and experiences revealed that there is no difference in opinions among school administrators and teachers of different genders, ages, positions, and experiences. School administrators and teachers of different educational levels. 3) The guidelines for the operation of health promotion in educational opportunity expansion schools based on Sappurisa-Dhamma in Nakhonsawan Primary Education Service Area Office 3 are discovered as follows: (1) On policies on health promotion in schools, in which the administrators should (1) their roles in accident prevention, focusing on the participation of network partners to plan for the possible accident prevention; (2) On environmental management in schools that is conducive to health, in which the school administrators should consider the causes of accidents in schools and their consequences; (3) On teaching and learning management of health education in schools, the administrators should establish a center for protecting and helping students, with advice to solve problems on sexual; and (4) On exercise, sport, and recreation, in which the school administrators should organize projects to promote skills so that children and youth can develop their quality of life efficiently.
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