Guidelines for Developing Leadership Skills in the 21st Century Based on Vuddhi-Dhamma for School Administrators in Tha Tako District of Nakhonsawan Primary Education Service Area Office 3
The leadership skills in the 21st century, Vuddhi-Dhamma, Cooperative skillsAbstract
The study consisted of the following objectives to investigate to compare opinions toward and to propose guidelines for developing leadership skills in the 21st century based on Vuddhi-Dhamma for school administrators in Tha Tako District of Nakhonsawan Primary Education Service Area Office 3. The study used a mixed-method research design using Likert scale questionnaire with a reliability of 0.96. Semi-structured interviews with nine key informants were used to acquire qualitative data. The obtained data were analyzed by content analysis.
From the study, the following results are found: 1) The leadership skills in the 21st century of school administrators in Tha Tako District of Nakhonsawan Primary Education Service Area Office 3 is overall at a high level. When each aspect is vision skills, creative thinking skills, cooperative skills and communication skills. 2) The results of comparing the opinions toward the development of leadership skills in the 21st century for school administrators in Tha Tako District of Nakhonsawan Primary Education Service Area Office 3 classified by personal factor such as genders, ages, positions, and experiences revealed that there is no difference in opinions among school administrators, thus the null hypothesis was rejected. 3) The guidelines for developing leadership skills in the 21st century based on Vuddhi-Dhamma for school administrators in Tha Tako District of Nakhonsawan Primary Education Service Area Office 3 are as follows: (1) On communication skills, in which administrators should create an environment that encourages teachers and educational employees to participate, and administrators should be reliable as well as trustworthy; (2) On creative thinking skills, in which administrators should build a thought process based on analytical, synthesizing, meticulous, and reasonable skills, as well as brainstorming from many departments in order to find anything that can spark new ideas; (3) On vision skills, in which the administrators should broaden their knowledge and skills as a foundation for thinking critically and making sound decisions; and (4) Cooperative skills, in which the administrators should create a teamwork environment in which relevant employees may participate in thinking, making decisions, taking responsibility, having meetings, and sharing ideas.
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