Transformational Leadership Factor Affecting Teachers? Job Satisfaction of High School in Tieling City under Liaoning Province


  • Han Yunan Leadership in Educational Administration, Faculty of Education, Bangkokthonburi University
  • Pornthep Muangman Leadership in Educational Administration, Faculty of Education, Bangkokthonburi University
  • Peerapong Tipanark Leadership in Educational Administration, Faculty of Education, Bangkokthonburi University


transformational leadership, teachers? job satisfaction, high school in Tieling City


The objectives of this research were: (1) To explore the factors and indicators of transformational leadership and teachers? job satisfaction of high school in Tieling City under Liaoning Province. (2) To examine factors of transformational leadership affecting teachers? job satisfaction of high school in Tieling City under Liaoning Province. (3) To propose the guidelines for improving transformational leadership of high school administrators in Tieling City under Liaoning Province.

This research was a mixed method research, including quantitative research and qualitative research. The population consisted of 3645 high school teachers of 16 high schools in Tieling City under Liaoning Province. The sample size was determined by Yamane formulate that obtained through random sampling technique. There were 360 high school teachers as the sample in total. The instrument used for collecting data was a five-point rating scale questionnaire. Descriptive statistics, Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Multiple regression analysis were used to perform data analysis using statistical software.

The results showed that; 1) There were 4 factors of transformational leadership of high school: moral model, build a vision, leadership charisma and Individualized care, 61 indicators and 4 factors of teachers? job satisfaction of high school: work itself, interpersonal relationship, school management, income and welfare and 26 indicators in this. 2) Factors of transformational leadership affecting on teachers' job satisfaction: the results showed that the correlation coefficient of moral model, build a vision, leadership charisma, Individualized care, transformational leadership and teachers? job satisfaction were 0.542,0.550,0.711,0.517 and 0.776 respectively, and the corresponding P values are less than 0. 01, has statistical significance, moral model, build a vision, leadership charisma and Individualized care and teachers 'job satisfaction have significant positive correlation, transformational leadership is higher, teachers' job satisfaction is higher. 3) There were 18 guidelines for improving transformational leadership of high school principals in Tieling City, Liaoning Province, including 4 guidelines of strengthening moral model, 2 guidelines of leadership charisma, 6 guidelines of enhancing individualized care, and 5 guidelines of build a vision motivation.


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