The Development of English Vocabulary Learning by Using Team Game Tournament Technique with Gamification for Grade 1 Students


  • Thikhamphorn Tae-tong Master of Education Program in Innovations in Learning and Teaching Faculty of Graduate College of Management, Sripatum University
  • Waraporn Thaima Master of Education Program in Innovations in Learning and Teaching Faculty of Graduate College of Management, Sripatum University


Development of English Vocabulary Learning, Team Game Tournament Technique, Gamification


The purposes of this study were: 1) to develop English vocabulary learning by using team game tournament technique with gamification for grade 1 students, 2) to compare the result of learning from pre-test and post-test with team game tournament technique with gamification, and 3) to study the students? English vocabulary retention. There were 3 sets of research tools used in the research, which were divided into 1. lesson plan of the team game tournament technique with gamification, 2) an ability test containing 30 items, and 3) a test of vocabulary learning retention containing 30 items. The target group in this study consisted of 40 grade 1 students of Phratamnaksuankulap mahamongkhon school in 1st semester, academic year 2022, and it was obtained by Cluster sampling. The statistics used in data analysis were mean, standard deviation, and t-test (dependent t-test).

The results of the study revealed that:

1. The process of developing English vocabulary learning by using team game tournament technique with gamification for grade 1 students of 5 steps which were: 1. Prepare step, 2. Teach step, 3. Team step, 4. Competitive Step, and 5. Conclusion step. The lesson plan was evaluated in the excellent level ( ?= 4.88, S.D. = 0.20)

2. The result of learning from pre-test and post-test with team game tournament technique with gamification, the score from post-test was higher than the score from the pre-test at statistical significance at a level of 0.05

3. The students? retention after studying towards team game tournament technique with gamification, and after studying 2 weeks later was significantly higher than that of the students? retention after studying at a level of 0.05


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Zichermann, G. (2015). ABOUT: Gabe Zichermann. Retrieved 7 January 2019, from

