Guidelines for Learning Management According to The tisikkha Principles in the New normal of Opportunity Expansion Schools under The office of Pathumthani Primary Educational Service area 1


  • Sujin Yodmahavan Master of Education (Buddhist Educational Administration) Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Peravat Chaisuk Master of Education (Buddhist Educational Administration) Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Guidelines for Learning Management, According to The tisikkha Principles in the New normal, Opportunity Expansion Schools


The objectives of this research are: 1) to study the state of learning management in the new normal of Opportunity Expansion Schools under the Office of Pathum Thani Primary Educational Service Area 1, 2) to study the methods for learning management in the new normal according to the principles of Tisikkha of Opportunity Expansion Schools under the Office of Pathum Thani Primary Educational Service Area 1, and 3) to propose guidelines for learning management in the new normal according to the principles of Tisikkha of Opportunity Expansion Schools under the Office of Pathum Thani Primary Educational Service Area 1. The mixed research methods were used in the study. The quantitative data were collected by questionnaires from 226 samples and analyzed by mean and standard deviation. The qualitative data were collected by in-depth interviews with 5 experts and then analyzed by content analysis.

????????? The results of the study were found that: 1. The state of learning management in the new normal of Opportunity Expansion Schools under the Office of Pathum Thani Primary Educational Service Area 1 in descending order starts with learning environment and atmosphere (PNI modified =0.075), followed by media/learning resources (PNI modified =0.060), course contents (PNI modified=0.056), teachers (PNI modified = 0.045), and learners (PNI modified=0.039) respectively. 2. The methods for learning management in the new normal according to the principles of Tisikkha of Opportunity Expansion Schools under the Office of Pathum Thani Primary Educational Service Area 1 are as follows; Training in morality should be applied to learning environment and atmosphere management, Training in concentration should be applied to media/learning resources management, and Training in wisdom should be applied to course contents management. 3. The guidelines for learning management in the new normal according to the principles of Tisikkha of Opportunity Expansion Schools under the Office of Pat hum Thani Primary Educational Service Area 1 are to follow the body of knowledge.


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