The Development of Buddhist Learning Management System for Basic Education Institute in Bangkok Area


  • Phramaha Samart Thanissaro (Artkhonghan) Ed.D. Student, Doctor of Education in Teaching Social Studies Faculty of Education, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Learning Management System, Basic Education Institute, The design of the learning management system


The research studied ?The Development of Buddhist Learning Management System for Basic Education Institute in Bangkok Area?. It was research and development (R&D). The objectives were as (1) to study system for Buddhist Theravada scripture. (2) To develop Buddhist learning system in Buddhism in Basic Education Institute Bangkok Area. (3) To evaluate the efficient for System in Buddhism in Basic Education Institute Bangkok Area. The measurement by using mean interview and questionnaire and apply program to manage learning as Moodle: BSMARTS. The recording data and test from exampling group consist of administrator Education Institute Bangkok Area persons and example group for testing persons. It was analyzed by quantitative and qualitative with statistic percentage and standard deviation.

????????? Result had found that: 1. Learning Management System in Theravada Buddhist Scriptures can synthesize 6 systems in 3 categories, namely (1) life balance system (2) learning system aiming to develop physical, verbal and mental skills (3) learning system that is easy, convenient, comfortable and peaceful, suitable for people of all ages ( 4) a learning system that can be applied to practice, (5) a learning system based on rationality, and (6) a learning system for enlightening the truth and expanding the results And can synthesize the 1st and 2nd system as precepts and synthesize the 3rd and 4th system as samadhi. and synthesize the 5th and 6th system as the category of intelligence 2. The design of the learning management system for Buddhist subjects in basic education institutions under the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration consisted of 5 steps, arising from the synthesis of system requirements of school administrators, teachers and students by using the Moodle application as an input tool. The information is a unit of study in the subject of Buddhism, Grade 5 and can be displayed via the Internet through a browser. and mobile applications to be used as a medium for learning Buddhism subjects 3. The Efficiency of the Buddhist Learning Management System in Basic Educational Institutions Bangkok From the evaluation, it was found that (1) the appropriateness of the learning unit in the subject of Buddhism subjects Grade 5 according to the opinion of experts overall in all aspects (2) the consistency of the learning management system of Buddhist subjects in basic education institutions Bangkok according to expert opinion at a high level (3) Efficiency evaluation results of the Buddhist learning management system in basic education institutions Bangkok According to experts, it was found to be effective overall. at a high level 4. The results of the hypothesis test showed that the results of the post-test received a score of 80% for 18 students, which was higher than the specified criteria. and when taking the total score of the student's post-test results Let's calculate according to the formula of Prof. Dr. Chaiyong Promwong showed that the score exceeded the specified criteria, therefore accepted both hypotheses.


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