
  • Phra Tean Tapasilo (Sra kaeo) Independent Scholar in Buddhism and Philosophy


the Concept aging (Jara), the Buddhist philosophy, the Four Noble Truths


The objectives of this research article were: 1) to study the Concept aging (Jara) in Various sciences 2) to study of the Concept aging (Jara) in Theravada Buddhist Philosophy 3) to analyze the Concept of aging (Jara) in Theravada Buddhist Philosophy. The thesis was qualitative research by using documentaries research methodology, the data have been analyzed the Tipitaka, research, thesis and relevant texts/documents which concerning of aging concept in Theravada Buddhist Philosophy.

The results of the study found that :  1. The aging concept in the science of aging, people were being elderly at the age of 60. In this age, human body change in many ways such as the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind deteriorate deterioration that adversely affects the living and also for their families and society when they retire or pass away.  2. The aging concept in the Buddhist philosophy, aging is archaic to the detriment of the damaged tooth with the gray hair and a wrinkled skin. The aging of the organic forms of arising from ignorance. Ignorance is prejudiced Five Khans that are suffering, which contains the living sense of living eyes, ears, nose, tongue and heart (emotion) which is the resulting human beings in samsara have met with the injured and dead, this is the law of nature which called the Trinity itself. 3. The analyzed the concepts of aging in the Buddhist Philosophy showed that aging had caused from ignorance, which had the root from unknown in the Four Noble Truths. Staring at unknown unsatisfactoriness (Dukkha), the cause or origin of suffering (Dukkha-samudaya), the cessation of suffering (Dukkha-nirodha), the path leading to the cessation of suffering (Dukkha-nirodha mamini patipada). Moreover, unknown in aggregates and elemental sense of the past and future. Moreover, it included the transmigration of birth, aging, illness, death, sorrow, the tiresome screed Physical Discomfort Uneasiness Railing The coincident with what is not loved, the separation from what desired, not what preconceived. In the Buddhist concept of aging the Five Khans are suffering that need to treat by following the Noble Eightfold Path which the eight precepts, the right way to go out is practicing in wise meditation to reduce some negative emotion such as passion and ignorance of the point of view.


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