Buddhist Arts Value: A Case Study of Buddha Image in Davaravati Period in Suphanburi Province


  • Thanutchapron Ketkong Buddhapanya Sri Thawarawadee Buddhist College


Buddhist Arts, Value, Buddha Image, Davaravati


Buddhist art in Buddhism, it seems to be the appearance of a Buddha image in the Dvaravati period, is something that reflects the beauty of art. U-Thong Ancient City Suphanburi Province is an ancient city that is important in the study of archeology in the Dvaravati period. Scientists have assumed that the U-Thong area has been inhabited by humans since prehistoric times. and Buddhist art from the Dvaravati period Entered in the 3rd century BC, but according to evidence there are archeological scientists sculpture architecture, and inscriptions show that the spread of Buddhism began around the 8-10th Buddhist centuries because Buddhist art was found in terracotta sculptures with line drawings of three monks wearing robes doing alms, which is the oldest evidence. Therefore, it is believed that people in this area of U-Thong City probably knew and started practicing Buddhism earlier. In this academic article, the author will report on the value of the Buddhist art of Dvaravati, which appears in the form of pagodas ancient sites, and Various antiquities. all of which create value in different areas. which has five main themes: religious values When religion emerged, art was used as a means to spread religion. Therefore, an image of Buddha was created. It depicts the Buddha so that religious people can perform ceremonies or pay homage to him. It creates peace of mind and helps to encourage people to be good people, do good deeds, and refrain from evil, generating income for the community and social value causing a feeling of love for one's hometown, Proud of the hometown that has historical evidence that has a long and proud history.


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