The Potential Development Model of Participation in Community-Based Tourism of Ban Tha Jud Community, Phang-Nga Province


  • ชอบตรง Chobtrong Phang-nga Community College
  • Arunwan Mukkaew Phang-nga Community College
  • Thanadon Noonoi Phang-nga Community College


potential development model, community-based tourism, participation


The objectives of the research were : (1) to survey and collect tourism resources data of Ban Tha Jud Community, Phang-nga Province (2) to study the guideline of participation community based tourism management of Ban Tha Jud Community, Phang-nga Province and 3) to convey the knowledge of community tourism management to tourism beneficiaries of Ban Tha Jud Community. The process in the study involved both qualitative and quantitative research methods research based on the data conducted through tourism resource audit sheet, interview and questionnaire. The outcome of research revealed that : 1. The important tourism resources of Ban Tha Jud Community are Eco-tourism and Cultural learning route, TakuaPa River, Khung Khuan Tham, Mangosteen Garden, Viharn Sien Song Yeng Tai, Khuan Tham Monastery and  Guan Yin Bodhisattva Palace 109. 2. The requirement for community tourism development needed to develop a community selling point for consolidate and distribute tourists into the area. To promote tourism activities in the community, Create a travel itinerary and develop a model of local goods with tourism to promote tourism marketing. Presentation of Mangosteen Products to Identify and the development of tourist sites to meet the standards of hospitality. 3. The transfer of knowledge on the management of tourism by the community to tourism beneficiaries of Ban Tha Jud Community found that most participants were female. Most of them were between 40 - 49 years old and over 60 years old. Single and graduated status in upper secondary/vocational high school. Most of them were farmer, Earnings per month were lower than 10,000 baht. The level of knowledge and understanding of the participants increased from a moderate to a high level.


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