
  • Phra Direk Thammawaro Graduate School, Mahamakut Buddhist University


the principles to support the righteousness, the principles of political science based on Buddhism, the 12 Cakkavatti principles


The objectives of this thesis were as follows: 1) to study the principles of political science based on Buddhism, 2) to study the principles to support the righteousness and 3) to analyze the principles to support the righteousness based on politics in Buddhist approach. The study was documentary research. Its data were collected from Tipitaka ?Pali Version and CD-Rom-commentary and the concerning technical documents.
The results of this thesis were found as follows: 1) The supremacy of dhamma means the real utilities for all leaders in the world to control their own mind and to save the people and the land. 2) These dhammas were thought in the Tripitaka as Adhipatayya or the Supremacy Law of dhamma. This word inferred to the 10 rule for the great king and the 12 Cakkavatti principles for the entire world leader, the 7 steps for the harmonious organization of the executive committee, the five social service strategies and the 4 prejudices to be avoided to save one?s honor and society heart. These teachings are both the end and the supportive aids to the Adhipatatayya in Buddhist political science too. 3) These principles provide the perfected values for all leaders and their people in many ways; through social welfare, mass communication, and noble culture and maintain the world peace. The top leader, when receive the duty, should be cultivated in these principles, then their follower or the people shall accept them. The world society would, when Adhippatayya was educated and utilized, be a supportive wing to each other being a harmonious and unbreakable corner, also would originate the dreamed peaceful organization in the long run. The economic crisis, the faith crisis and global chaos would not certainly be found.


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