An Educational Social Work System for Disadvantaged Children: A Case of Wat Taljedcho Mueng Angthong Province


  • Phrakruphiboolphatthanaphimol (Wibool) Master of Education Buddhist Educational Administration Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Phrawithesphromkhun Master of Education Buddhist Educational Administration Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


the acknowledgement, educational social work system, Children


The objectives of this research were four-fold, 1) to study acknowledgement an educational social work system for disadvantaged children. 2) To evaluate problem and wanted an educational social work system for disadvantaged children. 3) To develop social welfare system for an educational social work system for disadvantaged children. 4) To evaluate and guarantee an educational social work system for disadvantaged children.

This was a Research and Development research using Survey Research and by Interview Research. The tools used for research mean Interview for key performance 10 persons by Purposive Sampling and Questionnaire answer by disadvantaged children as 108 persons. Then researcher choose by using Krejci, R. V. & Morgan, D. W. table.

Major founding;

?1) On the acknowledgement from individual person found that, age found that, all the most 11?15-year number 74 persons, then calculate as 68.52, later age 16-20 year then calculate as 31.48. Sex found that, all the most were girls? number 74 persons, then calculate as 68.52, later age boys 44 then calculate as 31.48. Family status, it was found that, all the most have been both parents 53 persons then calculate as 49.07, then lowest mother only 10 persons, then calculate as 9.06. Education level found that, all the most they were junior secondary students? number 68 persons, then calculate as 62.96, later high school students? number 74 persons, number 40 persons, then calculate as 37.04.

????????? 2) On evaluation of problem and needs, it was found that by all average more level as (= 4.21, S.D. = 0.189), then lowest mean part for social work creation as (= 4.16, S.D. = 0.426).

????????? 3) On development social welfare system (1) part for social work preparing by all average more level as (= 4.20, S.D. = 0.427). (2) Part for social work doing by all average more level as (= 4.26, S.D. = 0.366). (3) Part for media / social work appliance by all average more level as (= 4.21, S.D. = 0.365). (4) Part for social work activity creation by all average more level as (= 4.16, S.D. = 0.426). (5) Part for social work evaluation by all average more level as (= 4.22, S.D. = 0.392).

4) On evaluation and assurance of educational social work system from expertise Focus Group Discussion as number 12 persons on Friday 31 March 2023 at Wat Taljedcho Mueng Angthong Province.


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