Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): JOURNAL OF RELIGIONS AND VARIOUS SCIENCES (July - December 2023)


In 2021, it will be the first year for the publication of Jornal of Religions and Various Sciences (JRS) of Research Center for Dhammsuksa Phrapariyattidhamma of Watawutwikasitaram School.  The editorial team has managed the journal according to the TCI standard by evaluating academic work from experts of many agencies; the numbers of three experts are invited to evaluate one article in order to maintain academic standards in both qualitative and quantitative terms.

Jornal of Religions and Various Sciences (JRS) presents scholars? work from various organizations of interest as follows:

1. The Development of Tutorial Application on Portable Computer with Peer to eer Learning Affected Learning Together by Chai Gajaseni, Virulyupha Na Songkhla and Thaksa-on Saelee, Mahamakut Buddhist University, Thailand.

2. Transformational Administration of Administrators Affecting Personnel Management in School under The Office of Chonburi Primary Education Service Area 2 by Tarinee Kittikanjanasophon, Bangkokthonburi University, Thailand.

3. J.P. Sartre?s Nausea seen through Existentialism and Vijnaptimatra : A Buddhist Psychology approach by Trung, Nguyen Thanh, University of Education, Vietnam, Phramaha Chakrapol Acharashubho Thepa, Mahamakut Buddhist University, Thailand.

4. Phenomenology of Kierkegaard?s Existentialism and Buddhist Philosophy by Sarutanon Chobpradit, Thongsuk College, Thailand.

5. The Doctrine of Kamma : A Buddhist Perspective by Phramaha Maghavin Purisuttamo, Phra Boonyarit Abhipunno, Mahamakut Buddhist University, Thailand.

Published: 2024-06-05