About the Journal

Aims and Scope

Journal of Religions and Various Sciences (JRS) is a trilingual (English) and interdisciplinary journal seeking an engagement between scholars working across a range of disciplinary fields, including world philosophical studies, religious studies, cultural studies, critical theory, and interdisciplinary humanities and social sciences. Lying at the interface between the study of philosophy, religion, and other academic studies of culture. In particular, the journal will consider why philosophical, religious, and cultural studies have hitherto neglected the significance of religious manifestations in cross-cultural perspectives, and define ways in which religious studies need to engage with contemporary areas of cultural critique.

The principal aim of the Journal of Religions and Various Sciences (JRS) is to promote critical investigation into all aspects of the study of philosophy, religions, cultures, and interdisciplinary humanities and social sciences, particularly with an innovative and global interactive focus.

Frequency of Issue

Twice per year (June and December) (1st issue January-June, 2nd issue July-December).

Peer Review Policy

All submitted manuscripts must be reviewed by at least three experts via the double-blinded review system.

The Journal of Religions and Various Sciences (JRS) is an interdisciplinary journal encouraging multidisciplinary working scholars in humanities, social sciences, philosophical studies, religious studies, and cultural inquiry to explore cross-cultural and religious perspectives with an innovative and global interactive focus. The Journal of Religions and Various Sciences (JRS) is an open-access journal, hosted by the Research Center for Dhammsuksa Phrapariyattidhamma of Watawutwikasitaram School, biannually publishing research papers (January-June, July-December) and special issues, both via a double-blind peer review process.

All submitted papers must be original and not submitted or published elsewhere. Submitted papers will undergo originality assessment. Manuscripts will pass through an initial editorial screening and are sent for double-blind review to anonymous independent referees. Apart from research articles, we also accept quality book reviews. All accepted articles, after appropriate revisions, will be published online on our Journal's website, and are downloadable free of charge. We recommend that potential authors review our publishing policies, manuscript requirements, and formats, before submitting their manuscripts to the Journal.

Publication Ethics

Duties of Authors

  1. The author has to assure that her/his paper has not been previously published in nor simultaneously submitted to other journals.
  2. The author shall not commit any degree of plagiarism in her/his paper.
  3. The author shall produce her/his manuscript format in accordance with the guideline for authors of the journal.
  4. The author whose name is listed in the paper needs to have contributed to the paper production or the research-related procedure.
  5. All pictures, figures, or tables appearing in the paper must be cited properly with their source(s) accurately identified. The author (s) shall be solely liable to any legal suit, if any.
  6. The author shall verify the accuracy of content and format in both in-text citations and bibliography. No citation(s) shall be made for unread references. The indication of page numbers of citations from books is preferable.
  7. The author is required to correct or rework their paper in due time as assessed and advised by reviewers and the editorial board.
  8. The author must identify the source (s) of the research fund (if any) as well as any applicable conflict of interest.
  9. Acknowledgment should be stated only after consent has been secured from the related contributor(s).
  10. Findings must be presented in accordance with the acquired data. No exploitation (false summary, or distortion, or biased selection of data/finding) shall be committed.
  11. No reference shall be made to any revoked article unless the cited statement refers to that in the revocation procedures. A statement must be additionally provided in the said reference as the revoked article.

Duties of Editors

  1. The editor will assess the paper's quality for publication and select only those passing through the reviewing process, in which the clarity of and congruence with the journal policy must be prioritized. The selected paper must contain a body of knowledge that reflects valuable perception and a theoretical framework derived from experiences or textual/research synthesis. A grounded theory or a conceptual model contributing to further research must be preferably included.
  2. No information regarding the paper's author(s) or reviewers shall be revealed to irrelevant parties during the paper reviewing process.
  3. The paper published formerly elsewhere must not be accepted by the editor for publication. Plagiarism must be scrutinized seriously by using credible detecting software. The paper detected as bearing plagiarism must be frozen for further evaluation, the author(s) be contacted, and related explanation be demanded to support the editor's decision to accept or reject the said paper.
  4. The editor must bear no conflict of interest with the author(s) nor the reviewer(s).
  5. The editor must not claim a partial or all of the submitted paper as her/his own.
  6. The editor must consider for publication only the paper conducted with valid methodology and yielding accurate findings, and the quality of which serves as the main indicator for publication.
  7. In case the editor detects plagiarism or false data in the submitted paper and hence deciding for revocation with which the author(s) refuse(s) to comply, the editor has thus full rights and responsibility to proceed with the revocation process without the author(s)?s prior consent.

Duties of Reviewers

  1. The reviewer must keep confidentiality regarding the submitted papers and avoid revealing a partial or all of the information of papers to irrelevant parties during the paper reviewing process.
  2. Perceiving as having a conflict of interest with the paper's author(s) that may inhibit her/his freedom of expression, the reviewer should notify the editor at once and deny to take part in the reviewing process of the respective paper.
  3. The reviewer should evaluate the paper that fits with their area of expertise, by assessing the paper's contribution to the discipline, quality of analysis, and intensity of literature review related to the topic of study. Advice should also be provided regarding the literature that failed to be included by the author (s), and personal judgment without supportive evidence should not be used as a criterion for paper evaluation.
  4. The reviewer must not claim a partial or all of the submitted paper as her/his own.
  5. In case plagiarism is detected, the reviewer must notify the editor at once.

Author Guidelines

Regulations for submission of academic articles, research articles, and book reviews for submission to the Journal of Religions and Various Sciences (JRS) hosted by the Research Center for Dhammsuksa Phrapariyattidhamma of Watawutwikasitaram School.

  1. The journal will not charge a fee for publishing articles. The journal encourages contributions that present innovative findings and creative approaches including novel methodologies and research designs.
  2. Editorial Board reviews articles according to follows guidelines, namely:
  • Formal requirements stated in the guidelines
  • Usage of appropriate methodology, presentation of evidences and synthesizing of findings
  • Societal relevance
  1. The article is neither under review nor published elsewhere. The article must be in the form of an academic essay, presenting the discussion of the research in an objective way.
  2. Elements of the article:
  • Title in English
  • name of the author(s)
  • 300 words abstract in English
  • Author(s) affiliation(s)
  • Keywords (maximum 7)
  • Content of the article:
    • Research article:
      • Abstract
      • Introduction
      • Research Methodology
      • Results
      • Discussion
      • References
    • Academic Article, Review Article
      • Abstract
      • Introduction
      • Content
      • Conclusion
      • Suggestions
      • References
  1. An original article should range between 3,000 and 7,000 words excluding abstract, references, diagrams and data sets.
    File format: Microsoft Word (*. doc or *.docx), Times New Roman 12, in (English) journal.
    The submitted file which includes graphs, charts and images should be located at appropriate locations in the text, between paragraphs, not within them. All figures should have figure numbers and titles (title case) and should be referred to by figure number in the text. A figure's number and the title should be placed above and outside the figure, for example, table 1 or image 1 and Figure. Figures need to be clear and the author must have the original copyright.
  1. Book Review should have the name of the author, the title of the book, the name and place of the publisher, and the year of publication. The Book Review should be between 3,000-5,000 words.
  2. To submit an article online.

Example of writing reference

Notes-Bibliography Style

  • The author's name needs to be placed in front of a sentence that is being quoted, for example, Kamnuansilpa (2006)
  • Citations need to be placed after the sentence (author's name, year of publication).
    • Single author: (Yota Chaiworamankul, 2023), (Keown, 2023)
    • Two authors: (Hersey & Blanchard, 2022)
  • Three authors: (Keown, Hersey & Blanchard, 2020)
  • More authors: write the name of all authors and follow by the Year of publication or last name of 1st author et al., publishing year. For example, (Kaiser et al., 2021)

Reference style

The referencing style: APA (latest edition). The following are requirements and examples for common reference types.

1. Books

Author's name, (publish year). Title. (Edition). Place of publication: name of press. etc.

  • Mahachulalongkronrajavidayalaya University. (1996). Thai Tipitakas. Bangkok: MCU Press.
  • Wasee, P,. (2007). Sufficient Economics and Civil Society if Social Economic Revived Way. (2nd ed.). Bangkok: Pimdee.

2. Article in Journal

Author's name. (Publishing year). Title. Name of journal, year (Volume), page. etc.

  • Dhillion, K. (2001). Challenges and strategies for improving the quality of the information in a university setting: A case study. Total Quality Management, 12(2), 167-177.
  • Sucaromana, A. (2016). Resilience Quotient; RQ. Journal of MCU Peace Studies, 4(1), 209-220.

3. Website

Author's name. (Publishing year). Title. Accessed access date Day Month Year, Url of the website. etc.

CNN Wrie Staff. (2011). How U.S. forces killed Osama bin Laden. Retrieved May 3, 2011, from https://www.cnn.com/WORLD/?asiapcf/ 05/02/bin.ladin.raid/index.html

Contact Us

  • Address:
    The Research Center for Dhammsuksa Phrapariyattidhamma of Watawutwikasitaram School, Room 305, No. 137 Watawutwikasitaram, Charansanitwong 71 Road, Bang Phlat, Bangkok, 10700, Thailand
  • Phone: (+66) 86-086-4258
  • Email: maghavin9@gmail.com

Principal Contact

Asst.Prof.Dr.Phramaha Maghavin Purisuttamo

  • The Research Center for Dhammsuksa Phrapariyattidhamma of Watawutwikasitaram School, Room 305, No. 137 Watawutwikasitaram, Charansanitwong 71 Road, Bang Phlat, Bangkok, 10700, Thailand
  • Phone: (+66) 86-086-4258
  • Email: maghavin9@gmail.com

Support Contact

Sukhachan Makasan

  • The Research Center for Dhammsuksa Phrapariyattidhamma of Watawutwikasitaram School, 137 Watawutwikasitaram, Charansanitwong 71 Road, Bang Phlat, Bangkok, 10700, Thailand
  • Phone: (+66) 83-838-2879
  • Email: sukhachan@gmail.com