Quality of Working Life of Udon Thani Central Prison Officials


  • Pongsaphak Phophetleb Master of Public Administration Program, Faculty of Political Science, Pitchayabundit College
  • Koson Sodsong Master of Public Administration Program, Faculty of Political Science, Pitchayabundit College


Quality of life, Udon Thani Central Prison, officers


The objectives of this research were: 1. to study the working quality of life of Udon Thani Central Prison officials; 2. to compare the quality of working life of Udon Thani Central Prison officials. Classified by sex, age, marital status highest level of education and duration of work, and 3. To suggest guidelines for improving the working life of civil servants of the Udon Thani Central Prison. The researcher collected questionnaires from Udon Thani Central Prison officials. The population used in this study were 128 Udon Thani Central Prison officials. The tools used for data collection were as a questionnaire It consists of 3 parts, statistics used in data analysis. Are descriptive statistics including number, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Inferential statistics were T-test and F-test, the questionnaire's reliability was 0.878.

The results showed that Quality of working life of Udon Thani Central Prison officials Overall, it was at a high level (? = 4.07) and when considering each aspect, it was found that the aspect with the highest average was the rhythm of life (? = 4.35), followed by personal rights (? = 4.12) and the aspect that The lowest mean was the safe and health-promoting working environment (?=3.95). Quality of working life of Udon Thani Central Prison officials classified by sex, age, marital status highest level of education and duration of work Overall, Udon Thani Central Prison officials with sex, age, marital status highest level of education and the duration of the work is different quality of work life is not different. The results of the analysis of the proposals for improving the quality of working life of Udon Thani Central Prison officials were that administrators should organize activities in which civil servants can work as a team; joint workshop.


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