Hindrances and Enlightenment process in Theravada Buddhist Philosophy


  • Natpreeya Wichittaphan Independent Scholar in Buddhism and Philosophy


hindrance, enlightenment process, Buddhist philosophy


The objectives of this research article were:1) to study the concept of the hindrance in Theravada Buddhist Philosophy, 2) to study the enlightenment process in Buddhism's philosophy and 3) to analyze the hindrance and the enlightenment process in Buddhist philosophy. The thesis is a qualitative study by focusing on documents analysis of the Tripitaka texts and the commentary related to the field of the study.

The results of the study were shown as follows 1) The concepts of the hindrance in Buddhist philosophy were natural barriers mental to access goodness. It is the things that was blocking the mind to reach enlightenment (Nirvana) there are 5 types of hindrances, including sensual desire (Kamachanda), ill-will (Byapada), sloth and torpor (Thinamiddha), flurry and worry (Uddhacca kukkucca), doubt; uncertainty (Vicikiccha). 2) The enlightenment process in Theravada Buddhist philosophy is a process for achieving ambitious in Buddhist philosophy. Therefore, the noble individuals who were the worthy one whose ways of life following the precepts of gentleman which are associated with the goodman, hearing the good teaching, full confidence, analytical reflection, or having wise attention, practicing in accord with the Dhamma, sensible beware of behavior, physical, mental and verbal control living with fully of mindfulness, practicing of 4 fundamentals of mindfulness (Satipatthana), keeping doing on 7 enlightenment factors (Bojjhanga) those ways of practicing in Buddhist philosophy leads to wisdom and attain to enlightenment and getting liberation and being noble individuals step by step in the end. 3) The Analysis of hindrance and enlightenment process in Buddhist philosophy, the study found that the process of enlightenment will eliminate hindrances and begetting being the noble individuals. Furthermore, the one who eliminated of sensual desire (Kamachanda), sloth and torpor (Thina-middha), flurry, and worry (Uddhacca kukkucca) is the realization of the Fruition of Non-Returning (Arahanta Magga); the one who eliminated ill-will (Byapada), is the established in the Path of Non-Returning (Anagami): the one who eliminated doubt; uncertainty (Vicikiccha) is established in the Path of Stream-Entry (Sotapanna Magga).


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