Factors affecting Students Enrolment in Faculty of Social Science, Political Science Program, Mahamakut Buddhist University, Sirindhorn Campus, Phetchaburi Educational Center, Wat Neranchalaram, Cha-am District, Phetchaburi Province


  • Phra Rattanaphon Prakkamo Graduate School Mahamakut Buddhsit University


Opinion, Political Science Program, Mahamakut Buddhist University


The objectives of this thematic paper (independent study) were as follows: 1) to study Factors Affecting Students' Enrolment In the Faculty of Social Science, Political Science The program, Mahamakut Buddhist University, Sirindhorn Campus, Phetchaburi Educational Center, Wat Neranchalaram, Cha-Am District, Phetchaburi Province 2) To compare Opinions on Factors Affecting Students? Enrolment In the Faculty Of Social Science, Political Science The program, Mahamakut Buddhist University, Sirindhorn Campus, Phetchaburi Educational Center, Wat Neranchalaram, Cha-Am District, Phetchaburi Province, classified into a different
gender, age, and income per month 3) to study the suggestions and solutions concerning Factors Affecting Students? Enrolment In Faculty Of Social Science, Political Science Program, Mahamakut Buddhist University, Sirindhorn Campus, Phetchaburi Educational Center, Wat Neranchalaram, Cha-Am District, Phetchaburi Province. The research instruments were questionnaires. The sample was 100 people-sized by Krejcie and Morgan's table and Simple Random Sampling having been divided stratified random sampling by drawing lots. The used statistics were descriptive statistics, frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and inferential statistics including T-test and One-Way ANOVA test. If differentiation was found, it was tested in a pair by mean of Scheffe and analyzed by computing.

The results of the research were found as follows:- 1) The students studying an undergraduate at Mahamakut Buddhist University, Sirindhorn Campus, Phetchaburi Educational Center, Wat Neranchalaram, Cha-Am District, Phetchaburi Province had an opinion on factors affecting admission on the whole view of the 3 aspects of an average of 3.86. Having considered each aspect starting from the highest aspect to the lowest average: (1) the aspect of the institution was at the highest average of 4.03 (2) the aspect of the course was at the higher average of 3.88 (3) the aspect of the cost of education was at the high average of 3.66. 2) The results of the hypothesis-test was found that The students studying undergraduate of Mahamakut Buddhist University, Sirindhorn Campus, Phetchaburi Educational Center, Wat Neranchalaram, Cha-Am District, Phetchaburi Province, with different gender, age and income per month no difference of opinion on the factors affecting admission on the whole view of the 3 aspects. 3) The students studying undergraduates of Mahamakut Buddhist University, Sirindhorn Campus, Phetchaburi Educational Center, WatNeranchalaram, Cha-Am District, Phetchaburi Province, had suggested some problems and solutions: 1) the aspect of the institution; the area of the institution should be closed, not allowed to feed animals inside, condition of the area of the institution had a lot of cows? stool. So, should the fence be made to prevent the poaching of animals and also let people know that they should not feed their animals inside the area of the institution 2) the aspect of the course; the course of instruction was not continuous. So, the course should be done continuously 3) the aspect of the cost of education; the system of evidence collecting was not the standard, and the students were in trouble. So, the system should be standardized and proof should be easily verified.


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