History and Development of Education Management in Thailand


  • Manatsawee Monpannawatthana Institute for Innovative learning, Mahidol University
  • Samanera Thanabodi Dachakruetang Independent Scholar
  • Samanera Phuriphat Kruetang Independent Scholar
  • Payoo Nankaew Independent Scholar


history, evolution, Thailand


Articles on the history and development of education management in Thailand often cover key aspects of the evolution of the education system from its inception to the present. Thailand?s education system initially revolved around religion, with temples serving as the centers of learning for both religious studies and basic skills. During the reign of King Rama V, educational reform marked a significant turning point with the establishment of modern schools and the foundation of an education system linked to economic and social development. Compulsory education was introduced to promote literacy and human resource development at all levels. In the 20th century, the Thai government implemented policies to expand access to education, including support for vocational and higher education. The modern education system continues to evolve, focusing on the integration of technology and innovation in teaching and learning practices.



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