Performance Performance Of Administrative Officials Under The Secretariat Of The Office Of The Attorney General


  • Artchara Kamlertphoo Faculty of Political Science, Pitchayabundit Collage
  • Boonluea Bubbhamala Faculty of Political Science, Pitchayabundit Collage


Work performance, Office of the Attorney General, Administrative officials


The objectives of this research were 1) To study the performance level of administrative officials under the Secretariat of the Office of the Attorney General. 2) to compare the performance of administrative officials under the Secretariat of the Office of the Attorney General classified by personal factors, and 3) to provide a proposal. An introduction to the performance of administrative officials under the Secretariat of the Office of the Attorney General. The sample group was administrative officers. Secretariat of the Office of the Attorney General There were 210 people in total. The research tools were questionnaires. Data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, T-test and F-test. and analysis of pairwise difference by Scheffe method with statistical significance at 0.05. accumulation of expertise in professional work; 4) adherence to righteousness and ethics; and 5) working as a team. as a model for education

????????? The research findings were as follows: Overall, it was at a high level. when considering side by side In order of average from the highest to the least, including the achievement-oriented aspect. Team work On the accumulation of professional expertise In adherence to accuracy righteous and ethical and good service. 2) Administrative officials under the Secretariat of the Office of the Attorney General with different genders, positions and domiciles. There were no significant differences in overall performance and each aspect at the .05 level. Operation period and different salary rates The overall performance and each aspect were significantly different at the .05 level. and different salaries had different performance in all aspects (all sig values were lower than 0.05); and 3) administrative officials under the Secretariat of the Office of the Attorney General. made recommendations about the performance of administrative officials in 5 aspects, classified by aspect, namely the achievement-oriented aspect Personnel should perform their responsibilities to the best of their ability. Personnel should perform their duties with speed and accuracy. and should have the same goals in work good service Personnel should provide equal service to all service users and personnel should provide prompt service. On the accumulation of professional expertise Personnel should learn to develop themselves all the time. People should use their knowledge to create a vision for future performance. and personnel should have expertise in each field In adherence to accuracy righteous and ethical Personnel should keep their word and dare to make decision to perform official duties with accuracy. Team work Personnel should plan together as a team and personnel should provide information that is useful to the team.


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