Participation in Local Politics of the People of Phak Pang Subdistrict, Phu Khiao District Chaiyaphum Province


  • Nidsan Promket Faculty of Political Science, Pitchayabundit Collage
  • Supan Somsa Faculty of Political Science, Pitchayabundit Collage


Participation, citizens, local politics


The main objective of this research is to study the participation in local politics of the people of Phak Pang Subdistrict. The sample group used in the research was 361 people in the Phak Pang subdistrict area. The instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire consisting of 3 parts and an interview form. Statistics used to analyze data are descriptive statistics including number, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Inferential statistics include T - test and F - test respectively. The confidence value of the questionnaire is 0.779

????????? The research results found that Participation in local politics of people in Phak Pang Subdistrict, Phu Khieo District, Chaiyaphum Province Overall, it is at a high level. And when considering each aspect, it was found that the aspect with the highest average was the election operation aspect. Next is the principle of non-apariyadhamma promoting participation. And the area with the lowest average is political decision-making.

????????? Comparative analysis of local political participation of people in Phak Pang Subdistrict, Phu Khiao District, Chaiyaphum Province. classified by gender, age, status, and educational level Overall, people in Phak Pang Subdistrict, Phu Khieo District, Chaiyaphum Province, with different genders, ages, statuses, and educational levels, have no difference in participation in local politics.

????????? The results of the problem analysis and solutions to the problem of local political participation of people in Phak Pang Subdistrict, Phu Khiao District, Chaiyaphum Province include: There should be public relations and announcements at an appropriate time period in the election. Names can be checked.


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