Management According to the Principles of Good Governance of Nong Waeng Cheem Hom Subdistrict Municipality Chai Wan Udon Thani Province


  • Waranuch Thepchan Faculty of Political Science, Pitchayabundit Collage
  • Koson Sodsong Faculty of Political Science, Pitchayabundit Collage


Management, principles of good governance, subdistrict municipality


The main objective of this research is to study the management according to the principles of good governance of Nong Waeng Kaem Hom Subdistrict Municipality, Chaiwan District. Udon Thani Province Sample group used in this research study There were 373 people aged 18 years and over who lived in the Nong Waeng Kaem Hom Subdistrict Municipality. The instrument used for collection was a questionnaire. Statistics used in the analysis are percentage, mean, standard deviation. and analyze data Test the hypothesis using value statistics (T-Test) and using F statistics (F-Test).

??????????????????? The research results found that :

  1. Management according to good governance principles of Nong Waeng Kaem Hom Subdistrict Municipality, Chaiwan District, Udon Thani Province. Overall, it was at a high level (= 4.26, S.D.=0.58), and when considering each aspect, it was found that the aspect with the highest average was the aspect of responsibility (?= 4.30, S.D.= 0.54), followed by the aspect The principle of participation (?= 4.29, S.D. = 0.54) and the aspect with the least average value was the rule of law (?= 4.23, S.D.= 0.63).
  2. Comparative results of management according to good governance principles of Nong Waeng Kaem Hom Subdistrict Municipality, Chaiwan District, Udon Thani Province. Classified according to personal factors Overall, it was found that Gender did not differ, as for age and education level. and different careers It was found to be significantly different at the 0.05 level.
  3. Suggestions for development of management according to the principles of good governance of Nong Waeng Kaem Hom Subdistrict Municipality, Chaiwan District, Udon Thani Province include: There should be measures to promote ethics for operating staff, such as ethics training. Rewarding good behavior and punishing those who commit corruption, etc.


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