A Model of Integration of the Postmodern Philosophy and the Buddhist Teaching of Sappaya into the Development of Temples to Create Happiness in the Digital Society


  • PhrakruMahathanisorn Jantawanno (Woratanti) Saint John?s University, Thailand
  • Sawat Anothai Saint John?s University
  • Somboon Boondo Saint John?s University


Integration, Postmodern Philosophy, Buddhist principles of Sappaya


The objectives of this dissertation were to: 1) study concepts regarding the development of temples that create happiness in a digital society, 2) study the post-Nova era philosophy and the Buddhist principles of Sappaya, 3) integrate the postmodern philosophy and the Buddhist principles of Sappaya for the development of temples to create happiness in a digital society, 4) Create new knowledge and a model for integrating postmodern philosophy and Buddhist principles of Sappaya for the development of temples to create happiness in a digital society. This research was a qualitative one based documentary research and field study upon the analytic, appreciative and applicative approach so as to lead to the creativity of new body of knowledge in philosophy and religion. The research findings suggest that the development of Temples to create Happiness requires cooperation between the temple, home, and community. All parties involved must work together to address various issues, with a particular emphasis on the four Buddhist companies working together in every activity. The goal is to achieve balance in four key areas: physical, mental, behavioral, and intellectual, with the active participation of all stakeholders. This approach will lead to sustainable development of Temples to create Happiness in the digital society. To achieve this, guidelines have been developed that integrate Michel Foucault's postmodern philosophy with the Buddhist principles of Sappaya. These principles include Avasa-sappaya, Gocara-Sappaya, Bhassa-sappaya, Puggala-sappaya, Bojana-sappaya, Utu-sappaya, and Iriyapatha-sappaya, and serve as a tool for developing temples that create happiness in a digital society. By addressing problems in the four key areas mentioned above, the temple can become a space that creates happiness for everyone. Finally, the research has resulted in the development of the TCH Model: LS+BMBW, which represents a new body of knowledge in this area.


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