Analytical Study of the Middle Way of Paticcasamuppada


  • Piboon Chatchawanit Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University
  • Metha Harimtepathip Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University


Paticcasamuppada, the middle way, analytical study


This research is a qualitative study that analyzes content and then presents a descriptive narrative. The objective is to analyze the middle way of Paticcasamuppada. The research findings indicate that the middle way of the path to enlightenment involves three aspects of liberation from firm adherence : 1) Liberation from firm adherence to the ultimate view, including liberation from wrong views in two aspects: eternalism view and annihilationism view. 2) Liberation from firm adherence to place and time, such as liberation from attachment in one existence (31 realms) and attachment in the cycles of past, present, and future. 3) Liberation from firm adherence in the five aggregates, including liberation from attachment to form, feeling, perception, mental formations, and consciousness. In summary, the middle way of Paticcasamuppada is a new body of knowledge summarized by the author for the benefit of the Buddhist community or philosophy. In conclusion, the middle way of Paticcasamuppada is the way to extinguish suffering completely, representing the path of non-firm adherence to the ultimate view, liberation from attachment to place and time, and liberation from attachment in the five aggregates.


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