Development of the Community Lifestyle: The Integrating of Buddhist Principles Drives Sufficient Economic Philosophy to Improve the Standard Life for the People Living in the Dong Fa Huan. Ubon Ratchathani Province


  • Suchat Butchayanon Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ubon Ratchathani Ratjabhat University


Community Life Development, Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, Buddhist Principle, Dong Fah Huan Community


Research on community lifestyle development: The integration of Buddhist principles is used to drive sufficient economic philosophy to improve the quality of life for people in the Dong Fah Huan community. Ubon Ratchathani Province The purpose of the research is to study the problem characteristics of the people of the Dong Fah Huan community in general. To study the principles of Buddhism that are used to drive the economic philosophy of the people of the sky communityUrgent and comparative analysis of the problems of the people and the use of Buddhist principles to drive the economic philosophy of the people in the Dong Fai community area Ubon Ratchathani Province Classified by gender variables, including males and females, 6,010 people, 362 sample groups Determine the sample size by using the stratified random sampling method, starting with the sample size determination from the prefabricated table (Krejcie) and Morgan (Morgan), then comparing the proportion from each sample. Classified by the variables studied afterwards Distribute questionnaires using simple random methods (simple random) based on the number of samples. Then collect data. Sample groups for qualitative research are The use of the population as a sample group The population is obtained by deliberately selective methods (purposeful sampling) from community leaders in the Dong Fah Huan community. Loop 19 people.

The results of the research show that the economic problems of people in the public areas of the Dong Fai community in general are that most of them do not have enough income to pay. Some have high debt and costs of living. The use of Buddhist principles to drive economic philosophy is sufficient. People use it to live a modest life. When eating at a low level, people should live by being self-contained. People see that adopting the 4th principle, namely prayer, prayer, wisdom, and prayer, helps drive the economy according to economic philosophy. Comparing opinions between males and females, we found that there are no different opinions. In regard to the implementation of sufficient economic philosophy and the implementation of Buddhist principles at a low level in all areas.


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