The Effect of Dance Movement Activities for Reducing Mental Health Problems Among elementary school Students


  • Junhao Zhang Faculty of Education, Srinakarinwirot Universty
  • Skol Voracharoensri Faculty of Education, Srinakarinwirot Universty
  • Patcharaporn Srisawat Faculty of Education, Srinakarinwirot Universty


Dance movement activities, Mental health, Elementary school student


The purposes of this research were as follows: 1) to compare mental health problems among elementary school students in the experimental group, before and after using dance movement activities, and 2) to compare mental health problems among elementary school students between the experimental group and control group. The scope of research: in an elementary school in Chongqing of the Republic of China. The subjects of this research were elementary school students grade 5 in Class 2 among 60 students, and 14 students with mental health problems from high scores. They were selected by the purposive sampling methods and were divided into two groups, 7 students in the control group and 7 students in the experimental group.
The results of this research were as follow: 1) After the experiment, the students who joined dance movement activities had lower mental health score than before the experiment with a statistically significant difference at the level of .05, and 2) the mental health scores of the experimental group who joined dance movement activities were lower than the control group with a statistically significant difference at the level of .05. In conclusion, dance movement activities can reduce mental health problems among elementary school students.



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