A Four Noble Truth - Based Instructional Management System for Secondary School Students In Prachinburi Province


  • Phramaha Kanyawat Kittithalo (Meechai) Faculty of Education, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Phramaha Somboon Suthummo Faculty of Education, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Sairoong Bubpaphan Faculty of Education, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Teaching Management System, Buddhism, Four Noble Truths


Objectives of this Dissertation were four folds, (1) to study acknowledgement a management system for Teaching and Learning in Buddhism according to The Four Noble Truths for High School Students, Prachinburi Province. (2) To evaluate problem and wanted a management system for Teaching and Learning in Buddhism according to The Four Noble Truths for High School Students, Prachinburi Province. (3) To develop a management system for Teaching and Learning in Buddhism according to The Four Noble Truths for High School Students, Prachinburi Province. (4) To evaluate and guarantee a?? management system for Teaching and Learning in Buddhism according to The Four Noble Truths for High School Students, Prachinburi Province.

It was a Research and Development =R&D by survey and interview research from exampling group 217 persons and interview 15 persons by Purposive Selection.? The tools used by Questionnaire and Interview.

May founding;

(1) On the acknowledgement from a management system for Teaching and Learning in Buddhism according to the Four Noble Truths for High School Students, Prachinburi Province. It found that, the 4-process teaching were the 1st step (Suffering) mean mention problems to solve, 2nd step mean hypnotist (the cause of suffering) mean problem analyzing, 3rd step for test and correct data (extinction of suffering) mean set and analyze problem, 4th step data analyze and summary (the path leading) mean data analyzing and summary learning process.

(2) On evaluation needing for a management system for Teaching and Learning in Buddhism according to The Four Noble Truths. It found that, for 5 parts mean 1) curriculum as more level 2) for learning process as medium level 3) for media learning as more level, 4) for learning activity as more level, 5) for evaluation as medium level.

(3) On development a management system for Teaching and Learning in Buddhism according to The Four Noble Truths for High School Students, Prachinburi Province. It found that, there were problems setting hypnotist setting then classify and integration with the Four Noble Truths and process for learning management.

(4) On evaluation and assurances of a management system for Teaching and Learning in Buddhism according to The Four Noble Truths for High School Students, Prachinburi Province. It was result for evaluation and Buddhist assurances by focus group dissuasion 12 persons on Thursday 30 March 2023 B.E. at Wat Tal Jedcho Taladgrourd sub-district Meuang Ang thong.


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