Buddhist Psychology for Self-Development


  • Rinyarat Worachintanaluck Program in Buddhist Psychology Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Buddhist psychology, self-development, quality of life


This article aims to make people aware of the importance of self-development, Buddhism and psychology combined to become Buddhist psychology. (Dhamma Pitaka, 1996:24-25) Due to changes in the conditions of life and society along with problems that occur in the era of human development. Especially mental problems such as stress, anxiety, loneliness, emptiness and meaninglessness. which Buddhism calls "suffering" and this is stimulating Western psychology to turn its attention to mental illness in the clinic and bring it out to the mentally ill in general as well as normal sick people. Buddhism does not have separate divisions. There is a psychological system that is complete in itself. All of this can be seen that Buddhist psychology for self-development plays an important role. The livelihood of a person is very important. If we are aware of the problem, we will develop it according to basic principles. For example, the 5 precepts, the 4 influences, the 8 paths, which are considered tools for developing both behavior. All mental and intellectual aspects in protecting and promoting human beings to be able to lead quality lives. It is a process that helps relieve Give human giges reduce and bring peace to oneself and society by presenting the natural principles of the process of birth and cessation of suffering together both present methods of practice or methods of living life to achieve the cessation of suffering or problems in the mind that arise. or change for the better Allowing us to live in this world with peace. Have good mental health and quality of life.


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