A Family Business in the Moderate Postmodern Paradigm


  • Phortchana Manoch Graduate School, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University


A Family Business, Paradigm, Moderate, Postmodern Paradigm


The research is a qualitative study that analyzes A Family Business in the Moderate Postmodern Paradigm.

The findings reveal that A Family Business in the Moderate Postmodern Paradigm are businesses with a goal of improving the quality of life for individuals within the family, community, and society, as well as the environment. These businesses prioritize collaboration over competition, emphasizing cooperation and joint efforts to enhance efficiency and achieve better outcomes. They engage in creative thinking and innovation to facilitate positive transformations, effectively addressing conflicts or challenges. They exhibit flexibility and adaptability to changes, continuously improving processes or strategies to remain efficient amidst market and industry changes. They establish and maintain strong organizational cultures and values, guiding sustainable business practices. They embody values and directions conductive to conducting business with integrity. They uphold ethical standards and governance.


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