A Cataka-Based Social Studies Instructional Systems in Buddhist Course on the Five Precept for Primary Students in Bangkok METROPOLITAN SCHOOL: A Case Study Wat Chansamosorn Dudit Bangkok


  • Phramaha Somkuan Suvann? (Kumsuwan) Ed.D. Student, Doctor of Education in Teaching Social Studies Faculty of Education, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Buddhist Course, Social Studies Instructional Systems, the Five Precept


This Dissertation what research and develomant. with objectives 1) To develop a social studies teaching system based on Jataka tales in the subject of Buddhism five precepts for elementary school students Bangkok A case study of Wat Chansamosorn School, Dusit District, Bangkok. 2) To analyze the development efficiency of social studies teaching system based on Jataka tales in Buddhism subjects. five precepts for elementary school students Bangkok A case study of Wat Chansamosorn School, Dusit District, Bangkok. 3) Comparison of learning achievements before and after learning through the teaching and learning system of social studies based on Jataka tales. A Buddhist subject on the Benja precepts for elementary school students Bangkok. 4) to study the satisfaction of elementary school students toward teaching with the teaching system of social studies based on Jataka tales in Buddhism subjects. Five precepts A case study of Wat Chansamosorn School, Dusit District, Bangkok. The subject of Buddhism on the Benja Precepts A case study of Wat Chansamosorn School, Dusit District, Bangkok.Finding Efficiency and Studying Student's Satisfaction with Learning by Development of Teaching System for Social Studies Based on Jataka Tales Buddhist subjects on Benjasila for elementary school students Bangkok by using Jataka Tales for elementary school students The target group used in this research were elementary school students 4th - 6th, 155 samples, 35 people. Wat Chantrasamosorn School, semester 2, academic year 2022, The research tools were The development of social studies teaching system based on Jataka tales in Buddhist subjects on Benjasila for elementary school students Bangkok A case study of Wat Chansamosorn School, Dusit District, Bangkok. by using Jataka tales to create knowledge by oneself The achievement test after using the teaching package from the Jataka Tales Teaching Package 1 - 5, the Satisfaction Measure of the Benjasila Teaching Package 5, data were analyzed and the statistics used were percentage, mean, standard deviation. And t test.

????????? Result had found that The development of social studies teaching system based on Jataka tales in Buddhist subjects on Benjasila for elementary school students Bangkok by using Jataka Tales for elementary school students in building knowledge by oneself For primary school students, there are 5 teaching plans as follows: Lesson Plan 1. Precepts No. 1 Jataka Tales King Anon fish spent 3 hours studying. It was found that the level was very good. The mean () was 49.60 and the standard deviation (S.D.) was 4.1. Lesson plan 2. Precept No. 2 Jataka Tales: The Crooked Sword took 3 hours to study. It was found that the level was very good with the mean () equal to 49.63 and the standard deviation (S.D.) equal to 3.87. Lesson Plan 3. Precepts No. 3 Jataka Tales Manop Young Goldsmith spent 3 hours studying. It was found that the mean () was 50 and the standard deviation (S.D.) was 4. Lesson Plan 4. Precepts No. 4 Jataka Tales The procrastination fish spent 3 hours studying, found that the mean () was 51, the standard deviation (S.D.) was 4.36. Lesson plan 5. Precept No. 5 Jataka tales on the origin of liquor took 3 hours to study, totaling 15 hours. It was found that the mean () was 51, the standard deviation (S.D.) was 4.36.


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