Enhancing the social responsibility of students who work at night


  • Pattama Sarasuk Faculty of Management Sciences, Phranakhon Rajabhat University


Enhancing, the social responsibility, students who work at night


This academic article aims to strengthen the social responsibility of undercover prostitution students. From the study, prostitution students secretly communicated within themselves that prostitution is a profession with high income and does not cause trouble to anyone. the necessity of raising a family Think about when you will graduate from this profession. I don't think I will do it forever as a career. Thus, covert prostitution is sex that can be traded for money. But in the end, students in covert prostitution agree that prostitution is a degradation of their own values. There is also a risk of contracting diseases and being abused by the service users. Therefore, the social responsibility of covert prostitution students? educational institutions should instill knowledge, attitudes, and good values to nurture students to be good people. And to raise awareness for all students to feel self-worth, promoting and rehabilitating the mind. so that people in society are conscious of their actions and living in this rapidly changing society appropriately.???????


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