
  • Siripen Chaisanit Independent Scholar in Buddhism and Philosophy


Violence, Movies, Philosophy and Religion


The objectives of this research article were: 1. To study violence in movies 2. To study violence in Quentin Tarantino?s movies 3. To analyze violence in Quentin Tarantino?s movies on philosophy and religion. The thesis was the qualitative research and documentary research methodology, the data was analyzed using the data from the Tipitaka and relevant texts/documents, especially the thesis of concept about the analytical study of violence in movies of Quentin Tarantino on Philosophy and Religion.
The results of the study were as follows: Violence in movies is a point that has been presented continuously, Violence contents and details have been presented in various scenarios such as structural violence and physical violence which is the most appearance in the movies. This type of violence is related to violence concept in Theravada principles which mentioned that violence is the way of evilness creation and we should not get involved?the way of bad action). The way of bad action consists of 3 types of bodily action, 4 types of verbal action, and 3 types of mental action. Violence in Quentin Tarantino?s movies has got a theme that presents violence as the majority and also it is connected to Philosophy in term of simulacra and hyper-reality. This philosophy concept has belonged to Jean Baudrillard. Not only his movies are connected to Philosophy, but they are also connected to Christianity principles about human defilement and craving, and slavery and release. Besides Christianity, his movies are also connected to Theravada Buddhism. They are able to be related to six type of characteristic behaviour since his main players showed hate and delusion very clearly. Analyze violence in Quentin Tarantino?s movies on Philosophy and Religion. Based on Theravada principles by the ten-way of bad action. The results of his movies shows the violence from the beginning until the end of them. According to the way of bad action, most of his players have got mental actions about ill-will and false view until they are not able to put themselves back to a right way. From this reason, his players choose violence as a solution to show bodily actions and verbal actions. For bodily actions, players always kill and hurt each other (destruction of life) to decrease hate and revenge. For verbal actions, players always use false speech, malicious speech, and harsh speech to hurt other?s feelings. Importantly, verbal actions lead to bodily actions.


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