
  • Phra Supachai Suthiratano Graduate School, Mahamakut Buddhist University


Abbots, Opinion, monks and householder


The objectives of this thesis (independent study) were as follows: 1) to study People?s Opinion On Administrative Role Of Abbots In Omyai Sub-District, Samphran District, Nakhonpathom Province 2) To compare People?s Opinion On Administrative Role Of Abbots In Omyai Sub-District, Samphran District, Nakhonpathom Province, classified to different genders, age, levels of education, occupation and income per a month 3) to study the suggestions and solution concerning People?s Opinion On Administrative Role Of Abbots In Omyai Sub-District, Samphran District, Nakhonpathom Province. Research instruments were questionnaires. The sample was 393 of the people living in Omyai Sub-District, Samphran District, Nakhonpathom Province, sized by Taro Yamane?s formula and then used Accidental Sampling on collected data. The used statistics were descriptive statistics, frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and inferential statistics including T-test and One-Way ANOVA test. If differentiation was found, it was tested in a pair by mean of Scheffe and analyzed by computing.
The results of research were found as follows :- 1) The people had Opinion on Administrative Role of Abbots in Omyai Sub-District, Samphran District, Nakhonpathom Province, in the whole view of 4 aspects of the highest level of average 4.29. Having been considered each aspect starting from the highest level to the lowest level: (1) the aspect of working for study Dharma and discipline of monks and householders was at the highest level of average 4.35 (2) the aspect of government of the monks and householders staying in the temples was at the highest level of average 4.31 (3) the aspect of the providing facility for doing merit was at the highest level of average 4.30 (4) the aspect of the maintaining the temple and monastery property was at the highest level of average 4.22 respectively. 2) The results of the hypothesis test were found that the people with different genders, age, levels of education and occupation had difference of Opinion on Administrative Role of Abbots in Omyai Sub-District, Samphran District, Nakhonpathom Province, in the whole view of 4 aspects in the statistic significant average 0.05. But the people with different income per a month had no difference Opinion on Administrative Role of Abbots in Omyai Sub-District, Samphran District, Nakhonpathom Province, in the whole view of 4 aspects. 3) The people had suggested some problems and solution : 1) the aspect of the maintaining the temple and monastery property; environment of the temples were not beautiful and sylvan. Therefore, it should be a planning meeting for the management to the views of the temples (2) the aspect of government of the monks and householder staying in the temples; Regulations promulgated in the temples had the lack of appropriate, they were difficult to follow. It should have meetings at least once a month to understand the rules. Regulations, orders must be clear and can be followed (3) the aspect of working for study Dharma and discipline of monks and householder; there was not study of Dharma and discipline in some temples, the monks and householders studied both Pali and Dharma sections . Therefore, should promote teaching and learning Dharma for the monks and householders in the temples (4) the aspect of the providing facility for doing merit; sometimes people drank liquor in merit party and they also played gamble in the temples. Therefore, should be established an agency or office and provide any deterrence and solve the problem seriously.


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