
  • Pramaha Anan Anuttaro (Aunwises) Wat Nakhonin, Nonthaburi


Jean Jacques Rousseau, Socio-Political Philosophy, the biography


The objectives of this academic paper are: 1. To briefly study the biography of Jean Jacques Rousseau 2. To study the concept of Jean Jacques Rousseau's socio-political philosophy 3. To analyze Jean's socio-political philosophy. Jacques Rousseau the findings showed that Rousseau was a versatile figure, both philosopher and philosopher. Novelist Educator, music theorist and music critic as well as the composer and was a thought producer that was an important intellectual influence in the Great French Revolution of 1789. Until 1767, Russo spent most of his life writing. While staying in Paris and passed away on July 2, 1778 at the age of 66 years. His main idea was to focus on the decision of human beings to join as a people in society consensually until there is a contract and mutual benefit between people and society. A set of rights and duties, which is known as the Social Contract, were created to create a political community. The sovereign power of the people convened together as the sovereign authority. To act as legislators Citizen?s act as citizens to perform their legal duties. The general will is that people must enact laws to respond. And select representatives. Russo considers that the selection of representatives It is the beginning of the end of the freedom of the free people. Russo therefore views that people should not delegate sovereignty to anyone. That russo idea Therefore, the concept of direct governance that the people directly rule the country but in reality this cannot be done. Because there is a large population and in today's world it is democratic by all representatives. Although Russo's socio-political philosophy views that human beings are born with freedom, If there is no liberty, it is not human.


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