Public Participation in Resolving Drug Problems in the Phak Pang Subdistrict Administrative Organization Area, Phu Khiao District, Chaiyaphum Province


  • Natthacha Promket Faculty of Political Science, Pitchayabundit Collage
  • Supan Somsa Faculty of Political Science, Pitchayabundit Collage


Participation, drugs, Subdistrict Administrative Organization


The main objective of this research is to study public participation in solving drug problems in the organization's area. Phak Pang Subdistrict Administration, Phu Khiao District, Chaiyaphum Province Sample group used in this research study There were 387 people living in Phak Pang Subdistrict. The research instrument was a questionnaire. and interview form Statistics used in the analysis are percentage, mean, standard deviation. and analyze data to test hypotheses using value statistics (T-Test) and using F statistics (F-Test).

????????? The research results found that :

  1. Public participation in solving the drug problem in the area of Phak Pang Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Phu Khiao District, Chaiyaphum Province. Overall, it is at a high level (= 3.89) and when considering each aspect. It was found that the aspect with the highest average was participation in operations (= 4.01), followed by participation in evaluation (= 3.89), and the aspect with the least average was participation. in decision making (= 3.83).
  2. Comparative results of public participation in solving drug problems in the area of Phak Pang Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Phu Khieo District, Chaiyaphum Province. classified by gender, age, occupation and educational level Overall, people of different genders, ages, occupations, and educational levels are involved in solving the drug problem in the Phak Pang Subdistrict Administrative Organization area, Phu Khiao District, Chaiyaphum Province. no different which is not in accordance with the set assumptions And when considering each aspect It was found that every aspect was not different.
  3. Results of the study of public participation in solving drug problems In the area of Phak Pang Subdistrict Administrative Organization, including encouraging people to participate in giving suggestions in carrying out activities to prevent and solve drug problems in the community. of Phak Pang Subdistrict Administrative Organization


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