Creating Leadership Based on The Foundation of The Gharavasa-Dhamma Principles


  • Wiset Sangkanjanavanich Graduate School, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University


Brahmavihara, leadership, leader


This research is a qualitative study that analyzes documents with the objective of examining the development of leadership based on the foundation of the Four Noble Truths. The research findings indicate that the Four Noble Truths serve as fundamental moral principles for a complete human, including: 1. Saccadhamma (Truthfulness): This involves being honest and true to oneself, adhering to righteousness, and embracing authenticity. 2. Tapa (Self-discipline): It emphasizes continuous self-training and self-development. 3. Khanti (Patience): This refers to enduring difficulties both physically and mentally with perseverance. 4. Caga (Generosity): It involves self-sacrifice and giving up attachment to possessions, views, and opinions. These four principles of Dhamma contribute to the development of leadership. When leaders understand and practice these principles, they become trustworthy individuals who are sincere and truthful. Followers respect them for their integrity, and they inspire confidence by being disciplined, admitting mistakes, and consistently working on self-improvement. Furthermore, the cultivation of patience and moral righteousness helps establish emotional stability, leading to the strengthening of the team's morale. Most importantly, leaders who willingly sacrifice personal biases for the common good can foster a sense of unity among team members. This is achieved through the leader's impartiality, a balanced and righteous approach, and a shared goal of promoting harmony.


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