Quality of Service of Sam Khok District Damrongdhama Center Pathum Thani Province


  • Theeraphan Somboon Master of Public Administration Program, Faculty of Political Science, Pitchayabundit College
  • Pichairat Muenduang Master of Public Administration Program, Faculty of Political Science, Pitchayabundit College


Service Quality, Damrongdhama Center, People


The main objective of this research was to study the service quality of Damrongtham Center, Sam Khok District. Pathum Thani Province the sample used in this research were people in Sam Khok District. There were 397 people who came to use the service at Damrongtham Center, Sam Khok District. The instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire consisting of 3 parts. Statistics used to analyze the data. Are descriptive statistics including number, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Inferential statistics were T-test and F-test, respectively. The reliability of the questionnaire was 0.767.

????????? The results showed that Quality of Service of Sam Khok District Damrongdhama Center Pathum Thani Province Overall, it was at a high level. And when considering each side, it was found that the side with the highest average was the response to service users. Followed by the aspect of knowing and understanding the service recipients. And the aspect with the least average value was the aspect of giving confidence to service users.

????????? Comparative analysis results of service quality of Damrongtham Center, Sam Khok District classified by sex, age, education level and occupation, overall and by aspect Overall, people with sex, age, education level and different professions there are opinions on the service quality of Sam Khok District Damrongtham Center. Pathum Thani Province no difference.

????????? The results of the analysis of the proposals for improving the service quality of Sam Khok District Damrongdhama Center include training for staff. Pay attention to the sufferings of the people who come in contact and follow up on solving problems for the public.


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