
  • Serebsak Saengsuk Graduate School Mahamakut Buddhsit University


Buddhist laities, opinion, Thinkakhao meditation center


The objectives of this thesis were as follows : 1) to study the Buddhist laities opinion toward the operation of Thinkakhao meditation center, Kaem ? Oan subdistrict, Jombueng district, Ratchaburi Province 2) to compare the Buddhist laities opinion toward the operation of Thinkakhao meditation center, Kaem ? Oan subdistrict, Jombueng district, Ratchaburi Province according to differentiation of their sexes, ages, educations, and statuses and 3) to collect the suggestions concerning the Buddhist laities opinion toward the operation of Thinkakhao meditation center, Kaem ? Oan subdistrict, Jombueng district, Ratchaburi Province
The population of this research were the laities that came to practice in Thinkakhao meditation center. The quantitative data was collected from the sampling group totally 159 persons, identified the size of sample by Krejcie and Morgan table, through the purposive sample. Data collective instrument was questionnaires, both close ended and open ended, and they were analyzed by two kinds of analytical statistics : 1) Descriptive statistics were composed of frequencies, percentages, means, and standard deviations. 2) Inferential statistics were t-tests and One-Way ANOVAs or F-tests, if statistically significant difference was found at 0.05, it would be tested in pair by means of Significant Difference (LSD) method, the data analysis by instant computer program, and the suggestion analysis by content analysis.
The results of the research were found as follows: 1. The laities that came to practice in Thinkakhao meditation center had the opinion toward the operation of Thinkakhao meditation center, Kaem ? Oan subdistrict, Jombueng district, Ratchaburi Province as whole 4 aspects at highest level. When considering by aspect with the mean ranking from high to low, were found that, the opinion toward the operation of Thinkakhao meditation center, Kaem ? Oan subdistrict, Jombueng district, Ratchaburi Province was men or narrator aspect, followed by management and money aspect, and material or place aspects, respectively. 2. The laities that came to practice in Thinkakhao meditation center with difference of their sexes, ages, educations, and statuses had no a difference on the opinion toward the operation of Thinkakhao meditation center, Kaem ? Oan subdistrict, Jombueng district, Ratchaburi Province. 3. The laities that came to practice in Thinkakhao meditation center had suggestions as follows: 1) place aspect, should have more the convenient equipments in the bathrooms and toilets are not sufficient for the ones who approach to service 2) narrator aspect, should have more the narrator to lighten the load of the main narrator, 3) money aspect, should set up with investment that support by government and private sector and 4) management aspect, should set the executive board for taking care of organization.


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