
  • Prapas Kaewketpong Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Khon Kaen University


religious tourism route, Buddhasathan-Phravisuddhiyanathera, Roi Et Province


This article aims to study the route of religious tourism in Roi Et Province. By studying only the Buddhist Sangha (Luang Pu Somchai Thitaviriyo) or Bueng Sai Thong Buddhist Temple, Changhan District, Roi Et Province. By studying documents, textbooks, websites and articles. There were interviews with tourists and related persons. Which were studied in 3 issues, it was found that, 1) Management There is still a lack of systematic management and proper proportions. Subsequently, the overall utility system was minimal, still lacking in order. 2) Public relations or advertising through various media, such as radio, television and         the Internet are not yet covered by tourists as they should. Most of them are disciples.     The route to access the temple is not convenient enough. Therefore, it is not safe for tourists who do not know the route. 3) Transportation The transportation system provides insufficient services such as vans, minibuses, motorcycle taxis. The sign indicating the entrance to the temple was unclear and inadequate. As for the signs indicating the locations and service points within the temple, some are not clearly visible and some are damaged.   In the area and various religious places are beautiful and shady, suitable for relaxation and meditation.


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